I want to like this game a lot more than I actually do. Just like Ubisoft's snowboarding game Steep, Rider's Republic suffers from not having enough JUICE. That SAUCE, dog. I like half of the ideas present here. An all-in-one open world extreme sports fest is cool. Like Forza for people with the world's most exorbitant health insurance premiums. The problem with Rider's Republic is nobody who works at Ubisoft has a soul. It has to be because they're French. With all this flair and no real appeal, this is game is certifiably colonizer core.

Downhill BMX, Trick Snowboarding , Divesuit racing events are the stand outs here. Everything here else is negligible. Everything else here is like accidentally dipping your penis in a high flow toilet while shitting. Everything else here is having a misdemeanor on your record for forgetting to pay a parking ticket. Everything else here is walking barefoot on hot cement. Everything else here is finding out you have a bastard son in Portugal and he trades crypto. Everything else here is Lockheed Martin sponsoring a Pride Parade. Everything else here is getting your car stolen by a 12 year old. Everything else here is getting your college essay be nitpicked for formatting despite knowing more about MLA format than the overworked part-time professor who just ran your document through a program instead of looking at it themselves and you can't get ahold of them to dispute it because they are too busy holding a gun in their mouth deciding if today is finally the day. Everything else here is just like really not great because the physics exist in this state where it doesn't commit to realism or arcade-y style physics and controls and are stuck in this awkward as fuck in between that frankly ruins the experience.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2024
