Despite me being a certified freak who enjoyed the old visuals more, I'm happy the new visuals have opened up interest to one of the most rich gaming experiences created by a human being.

If I had to play one game for the rest of my life, it might be Dwarf Fortress due to it being dizzying in it's mechanical richness. Every run will be so wildly different from one another due it's randomly generated values that you might feel as though you are playing a different game. One run you might be waging war with the goblins and mining resources and going through the motions. Another you and the goblins have formed a treaty and are now punching birds together and taking the dead birds to a wizard who will turn it undead and then you use said undead birds to go fuck with the elves because fuck the elves.

I can see myself playing Dwarf Fortress on-and-off for the rest of my life. That's the highest praise I could possibly give a game.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
