The first FF game I've finished! Surprisingly loved the story in the game, and the characters were pretty endearing and fun. Jack is probably one of my favorite protagonists in like... ever. It carried me along thought the journey. I do have somewhat of a distaste for ARPG'S, and there are some faults in the system. Really don't like that enemies don't stagger unless you break em. At times I played very conservative and "cheap" and while it worked, it felt like I was playing the game wrong. They throw alot of higher leveled/stronger enemies, and I never really felt I was making true progress. Glad this game had co-op and that is probably the most fun part of the game. The use of "My Way" in the game made so much sense context wise, and was kino. Overall recommended if you like FF, or stuff like Nioh.

Reviewed on May 02, 2022
