We all know how disastrous this localization is but i truly believe this is a nice alternative to the original series.

The only thing i really can't defense is the story/name changes, they should've stick with the original game representation. They also removed some characters which makes no sense.

The rest is a interesting change. Instead of one combo string and two special attacks like the original we know have 2 combos strings and 2 specials. Its actually satisfying to connect them and get the basara gauge fast.

One good thing i can also praise is the voice acting, for some reason the voice acting its actually good and left a good impression on me.
Another thing i can praise is the models they changed up for this localization cause honestly they were pretty good.

At first this game sucks cause its a horrible localization of Sengoku Basara but after you try and think about it, it isn't that bad. One thing is certain, if they did a good localization Sengoku Basara would be more popular in the west and more successful.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2023
