47 Reviews liked by SouLSN

better than xenoblade chronicles 2

MIGHT be my most insane review yet, i don't know what is it with this game, but drakengard 3 is an experience like no other, if you play drakengard 3, there'll not be a single game out there like this one. it isn't NECESSARILY a good thing, however. but to me, Zero is one of my favourite characters in media. I just love her so much it is insane, this game is either someone's favourite game, or someone's most hated game. to me, it is almost undeniably an unique experience like no other- if it's a good one though? despite the combat being kind of sluggish, to me, it is an amazing one

do not buy japanese games on the computer.

first piece of media to make me cry like an absolute baby

so definitive it isn't even funny, this SWEEPS origins no question. dont even get me started on mod support

fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

Descanse em paz, Toriyama.

I cried like a fucking baby on the ending.

There’s really people in this big year of 2024 pretending this isn’t one of the best games in the series.

Persona 3 Reload had provided me with arguably the best gaming experience I’ve had in my entire life, instilling hope into me for my future endeavours in life, and it has done so with the game primarily focusing around the concept of life itself, and what it means to live.

As a remake, it excels in almost every category, from remastered/new OST being composed, to the outstanding QoL improvements to both the overworld portion of the game as well as Tartarus’ gameplay being improved drastically, along with fully voiced Social Links and Link Episodes which develop the relationship of S.E.E.S. to a level that wasn’t seen in either the previous iterations of P3, as well as its movies. Because of said improvements as well as much more, I can confidently say that this is now my favourite video game of all time.

P3R stays true to its core and provides an unforgettable experience through an incredible story- which although is a slow burn at first, turns out to be a fantastic story that focuses on what turns out to be a very beautiful theme that has resonated with me, and it having done so through its vast cast of characters even beyond S.E.E.S. themselves, with this game having some of the best Social Links the series has to offer (Akinari, Hayase and Bunkichi + Mitsuko, I love you guys), with each of their respective journeys that you take with them, allowing you to feel a strong connection with them that feels so so real to the point where I had personally been left crying after finishing some of these Links and the game itself.

“What does it mean to live?” as I stated earlier on- is the main theme of Persona 3 as a whole, and this to me will forever be one of the strongest and most relatable themes that I have ever encountered in a video game, especially as someone who’s struggled with finding a purpose and also losing my way somewhat in recent years. By the end of this game, I had not only found myself in tears but I found myself with happiness too, this game had taught me that a life lived alone isn’t worth living, and to also cherish the life that I live and everyone in it with everything I have, and with this, I want to focus on one of my favourite quotes from the game:

“So…for me, or you, or anyone…just simply existing gives our lives meaning.”

Thank you Atlus for providing me with an unforgettable experience, I will forever treasure this game and the valuable lesson that it’s taught me.