They don't really make games like this anymore, and it gets bonus points for that, but it's a very ho-hum, run of the mill cover shooter with these tacked-on dogfights that don't really feel great. I could probably forgive all that, but I had a couple of game breaking bugs, and during numerous firefights, the AI just spazzed out and ran into walls.

I like the setting (pre-WW2, aliens are fueling the facists), but the story itself is lackluster. I like the gunplay, but the shooting itself has no impact. I used the same two guns for the whole game. Kinda Uncharted-esque with a jetpack.

An average game that has just a few too many hiccups to make me happy, and the final boss is SUPER anticlimatic. This thing probably left no impact in 2010, but it's an interesting relic of a pre-UbiWorld universe.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2021
