126 Reviews liked by SoysuzPanda

this is one of the best stories in game i've ever had the pleasure to experience.

For me it is the best Lis. After finishing it i stared blankly at the wall for minutes.

i want to rate this game better so badly but the episodes being so disconnected from each other just suuucks

Finally 100%'ed and damn, it was so worth it. Got to experience two endings on my first and now second playthrough, and both made me sob so much. Their story is beautiful. If you're thinking for a reason to get it, this is it!

This game is like an ignored younger sibling trying desperately to live up to its older sibling's success. Which I think is fucking tragic because I enjoyed this game substantially more. Truly a masterpiece.

You had to make ethically questionable choices to be gay :(

i honestly think this is better then the original lis, i found their stories much more touching.

Resolve os problemas do 1 e traz outros personagens para protagonizar essa história (muito boa por sinal), tem episódios mais longos e melhores. Infelizmente é menos conhecido

🏆 Conquistas: 46/46

Que tristeza a escolha gay ser a pior 😭

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Overall, it was a great experience. Different from the first game, or Before the Storm, which I usually appreciate from sequels. The visuals and animation improved, that's notable. The soundtrack remains as great as the other Life is Strange games. Although I didn't get attached to the characters as I got to the first games (except Cassidy, Brody, [and David! I was happy that he made an appearance!] I found the story quite interesting, and a bit sad when it comes to some matters that might touch the reality cases, especially something such as racism in the USA.

not as fun as the first game due to the lack of time-travel mechanics; nevertheless, a very charming plot.

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Independente do final que você pegue, ele ainda vai ser triste. Começa trágico e termina trágico. Toda a jornada dos irmãos Diaz sendo perseguidos pela polícia por um crime que eles não fizeram e a explosões causadas pelo poder do Daniel é agoniante. A soundtrack continua legal, mas não me chama tanto a atenção (MAS TEM GORILLAZ), a ambientação em geral é muito foda e é uma baita aventura. Acho que uma das melhores, superando o 1.

my comfort game <3 they really don't deserve their bad rating :(