When I first started reading Misericorde, the structure, genre, themes, and Photoshop-filter backgrounds gave me strong Umineko vibes, and I wondered whether it was actually an inspiration or just me having "guy who's only seen Boss Baby" syndrome. Then every character started lecturing me about chess, and that question was put to rest immediately.

Jokes aside, Misericorde is excellent so far. Obviously it's hard to have a complete opinion on an incomplete story, but even if the game ultimately fails to deliver on its surface-level intrigue it will still have oodles of arresting prose and anxious atmosphere to make it a worthwhile read. The cast is uniformly excellent, archetypal enough to stay distinct in memory for however long it takes the next volume to release but grounded enough to provide depth and properly complement the tone (I think Darcy might go too far, with her permanent :3 mouth and Homestuckian speech patterns, but she's Darcy so I'll let it slide).

The soundtrack is also fantastic - I was not expecting breakcore to fit so well with a story set in 1482 but here we are.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2023
