I was really beginning to worry about the state of WarioWare, after playing Get It Together a few years ago. Move It! is another semi-rare high for the series, and it has Smooth Moves to thank for that.

This takes the original idea from that Wii era, and perfects it further with the new hardware at hand. The tropical vacation story is fun, the "poses" return in their hilariously charming forms, and it all utilizes the Nintendo Switch hardware in better ways than something like 1-2 Switch tried to, such as uses of the IR camera and wrist strap. There are even some quality-of-life improvements that play into the wackiness of it all, and I especially loved the "second-chance" you can get by making a certain pose presented on screen, in order to get yourself an extra try at your run.

Like Smooth Moves though, this WarioWare entry once again lacks in extras, which is really unfortunate. Other than that though, expect 2-3 hours of a fun campaign, similarly to other games in the series. And, of course, having friends to play with you just adds more options. Definitely one of the better entries in the WarioWare franchise.

(Also, Keith Silverstein voicing the narrator totally caught me off guard. Solid choice, Nintendo. Love you.)

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
