Clubhouse Games is, without a doubt, and in my honest opinion, the most underrated first-party title in the entire Nintendo Switch library. Here's why.

Nintendo made their origins as a card game company, later leaning into the toy market. Arguably, this is where most of their family-friendly vibes arrive from, and it brings itself full-circle here with a massive compilation of toys and games, from Chess and Hanafuda, to games of Wii Play yore like Tanks. Not only a value-packed collection, but a neat historical set as well, with various playlists available that give you history on certain games available to you; an extra flare to appreciating games unfamiliar to your own territory, hence "worldwide". And of course, adding onto the old-school Nintendo charm, a combination of calming music, fun miniature-centric characters, and superb haptic feedback.
The only downside I saw with this game, especially for those like me who attempting to 100% everything, is how unbalanced the computer AI can be. Certain games can be breezed right through on the most difficult settings, while others can be surprisingly tricky on the lower ends. This is a much more satisfying experience with other human players.

Clubhouse Games is definitely not gonna be a game that everyone will enjoy, but I personally believe it is a must-have for your library. Not only is this a peak back at Nintendo's original toy-focused charm, but simply an abundant amount of content for friends and families to play with. Both a historical book and a museum of entertainment, full of incredible allure that we haven't really seen from Nintendo and EPD since probably the era of the DS and Wii.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
