I don't know why but this game right here i love unconditionally, more than i should.

The story while simplistic (We are only stopping the bad guy) is loaded with fun, charm and wit throughout the cutscenes and character interactions and is also surprisingly deep for a game like this, touching on themes such as Slavery, communism, Human Trafficking, Death, slavery, fascists and racism all without no dialogue. I'm not even joking, all of these themes are shown to us in the game which i respect as it shows that Kids Games and Platformers can cover all sorts of topics.

Gameplay wise, De Blob is very Simple, you paint! That's the game. It's probably it's biggest strength and weakness to be honest, it's simplicity. It's a game that can be enjoyed due to it's simplistic nature of painting things but i can see why it doesn't stick for everyone due to being a bit too simple and not really having much variety outside of a few new enemies and invincibility power-ups. However, in my opinion De Blob manages to be very fun throughout due to it's fun missions, level design and presentation. You're given 4 mission types by the 4 main characters, Prof wants you to destroy a landmark, Arty (Your most frequent mission bringer) wants you to paint certain landscapes with certain colours, Zip wants you to collect a few orbs in a small time limit and Bif focuses on Simplistic yet fun combat with the many Inky enemies that the game throws at you. All of these combined with some of the most simple yet fun levels I've played in a platformer due to feeling like you're taking back the radiant City of Chroma City one "step" (i don't know what to call Blob's movement lol, i guess roll would work, anyway) at a time using powers such as your own Blobness, the helpers in the Colour Underground and the Transformers, while initially i wasn't a fan of the same level themes, it slightly grew on me due to feeling like you're taking back a City that feels lived in, you're going through places such as a Hotel, Dam, A Docklands, A National Garden and more which in my opinion while i would rather have a bigger variety of stages each unique, having this amount of worldbuilding is an admirable and great effort that i haven't seen much in mainstream Platformers in the 2000's other than Super Mario Sunshine. You also have a variety of things to do in the game such as earning either a Bronze, Silver and Gold Medal in each stage, painting everything including billboards, Blimps and Trees, Opening Each Gate to progress, playing each mission, liberating every single Raydian in an stage and completing the bonus levels, which are unlocked by the rank you have obtained. The Shorter and more focused bonus levels can be fun but some of them can feel like the other acts from Sonic Colours and can be a bit troublesome due to Blob's heavy movement, though i did complete every single one of them because i want more De Blob lol, but doing all of these will give you some extra content including concept art, bonus videos, awards etc. Final thing i want to note for the Gameplay that i played the Wii version of De Blob which has Motion Controls, while i normally like motion controls these ones do feel a bit tacked one, either you having to shake to defeat enemies or to reestablish a landmark i don't mind these but one i can't stand jumping with the with the Wiimote, it's some unresponsive and gets tiring fast due to the Long Levels, speaking of the long levels, while i don't mind them being longer, i do wish there was saving available after each mission or at least after opening each gate or

Finally, the presentation of this game is Steller, the music is amazing each track is memorable, unique and are overall bops to listen too, highlights being Blissful, Unstoppable and Defiant, and the graphics are pretty good for the Wii being at a crispy smooth 60fps with a unique and stylised look for everything not really seen in many platformers before.

Overall, De Blob is simple, fun and unique and while it has many shortcomings, it does the 3 things i mentioned so well that it's a game i recommend to anyone at all ages.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2022


1 year ago

can i ask you guys something? recently 100% the game has me wanting to say a lot more in another review, but i don't if it'd worthwhile to do it or not

1 year ago

Nothing to stop you writing a second review of a replay.
It's interesting to see how De Blob managed to obtain a cult following due to just being a simple and fun game people remember seeing on store shelves, I still need to try it out for myself but I always respected it cause of that

And as Grace said, nothin's really stopping you from writing another review if you feel like doing so

1 year ago

i think de blob's cult following is probably with the story, presentation and music along with being really successful on the Wii, the games are great (especially 2) but i don't think they'd be as fondly remembered