Before I take a look at Sly Cooper & inFamous just in time for my birthday next week, wanted too take a look at their first game, Rocket Robot on Wheels.

You can tell a lot from this game was taken from a lot of their other projects, Character design-wise with Sly and how the stages work with inFamous and it still manages to stand on it’s too legs as pretty decent enough game.

The game itself is fun enough, not a hidden gem or anything but a game you should definitely play at some point if you are a fan of platformers like me, especially ones from this era though you do need to 100% the game to get a real ending and credits like Super Mario Sunshine which is always a detriment to a game’s quality. But unlike Sunshine I had fun with the game. The game stands out from other Platformers due to having one overall stage theme (The Theme Park) and running with that till the end of the game with greatly elevates the soundtrack and graphics and the more physics-based puzzle-solving and combat, which is pretty fun and unique, I do wish the game had a more consistent difficulty as it can be either way to easy or a bit too frustrating, the camera is pretty bad sometimes and the lack of bosses is a bit confusing.

But overall this game is a fun time, though nothing amazing unlike the rest of their catalogue.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

Finally a good igdb change!