I was surprised to hear so much negativity over this game on here, compared to the first, because this game outclasses it in almost every way. The levels feel like they were designed with the limitations of the Spider-Man engine in mind, you won't be chasing someone and have them escape while waiting for your camera to readjust like you used to. It's more varied, with every level presenting a new challenge, and more variety in the types of locations you visit. The framerate is an issue, but far from unplayable, and I do cut some slack for issues like this on 5th generation games.
Then you may ask then, why is this game rated the same as the original for me? Because the bosses are flat out terrible. The villain lineup, is stronger than the first game but every boss is a downright damage sponge, sometimes taking over 25 phases of repeating the same move to beat, lookin' at you Electro, and Sandman. So, for the love of god PLEASE don't play on hard.

Played on Duckstation emulator, but I've played and completed on original hardware too.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2021
