This game had the misfortune of coming out (or at least being translated into english) at the time where youtube let's plays were on their first boom. It will now be forever associated with that era, as well as some of the most unpleasant internet celebrities the world will ever know.

Which is a real shame. This is no masterclass in horror or gaming, but if you can meet it on it's own terms, it's not at all a piece of trash. The story is some paper thin excuse to drop you into the creepy atmosphere, and nothing is ever said about what the oni is, or any explanation about what's going on, but the presentation through the puzzles and certain scripted events (especially in versions 3 and 6) can be unsettling.

I know there's no coming back, especially after the subpar mobile sequels and the two mediocre (and one enjoyable) movies, not after being a laughing stock by the internet's cheap thrill juice squeezers. But this game deserved better than that.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2023
