Initially played this on Xbox 360 but later got it on PC. I forget how I got this game, but I think I got it from Xbox gold way back when (2012?). At first, like many people who first picked up Terraria, I thought it was 2D Minecraft. I later realized how wrong I was. Sure they share similar aspects like mining and building, but Terraria is more progression based.

I think the best part of Terraria as a kid was that there were so many different items and yet I was able to memorize them all and what they all did because I looked at the wiki and learned what each thing did. Even now I can recall what some of the items do because I loved the game so much I basically studied it.

What I loved about Terraria was that exploration is always unique. From exploring the Crimson to structures underground to other biomes to exploring floating islands, Terraria always had something to offer. There are so many different weapons, tools, and armor so everything always felt fresh and like there was a progression and things to work towards.

But what I loved the most was the fact that you had to fight bosses to progress, and the fact that there are so many bosses amazed me, being a kid that only played Minecraft, which had like two bosses. It was also awesome how NPCs appeared in your world and I was always excited whenever one did, and getting geared to fight bosses and getting magic weapons that do so much cool stuff was awesome.

There is always something to do in Terraria, more than most games. I really wish I could say more but I don't know what to say because Terraria is just that great. Who knows I might come back to this review to add more if I ever think of it.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2022
