Undertale is a masterpiece. As someone who doesn't really play single-player games or cares about story and prefers replayable multiplayer games, Undertale showed me how good a story can actually be. The wit and charm the game has is outstanding. All the characters are so important and all have their own personalities and are unlike any other characters I have seen before, so much so, I genuinely felt sad when the game ended.

The gameplay itself is unique, allowing you to spare your enemies instead of slaughtering them all. This also leads to three endings, all of which are so different from each other but each gives such an amazing experience.

The design of characters and areas are also really fun, with so many different monster designs and simple to complex looking areas.

ALSO THE MUSIC. THE MUSIC IS PEAK VIDEO GAME MUSIC. GODDAMN I LOVE ASGORE, MEGALOVANIA, SNOWDIN, METAL CRUSHER, AND MOST OF THE OTHER SONGS. The game does a really good job of humanizing the monsters, giving them personalities, wishes, and wants. If you choose to kill them, you feel bad, and I love that, because it places you in a moral and ethical dilemma.

The story of a child falling into a monster world and needing to get out is not uncommon, but Undertale crafts so much more lore around the story that it makes it feel so unique. When you are alone in the game, you truly feel alone, but when you are with other characters it really does feel like you are hanging out with people. It also isn't afraid to have humor at every corner, or even serious moments. Everything from the secret lab to Sans' promise are serious moments that are pulled of amazingly. You can even sympathize with Asgore, the final boss for trying to kill you. Everything about this game is so memorable and deserves the hype it gets.

Its so good, that people made their own spinoffs or alternate universes (AUs) that are as equally as good, like Underfell or Underswap, or Glitchtale, or the 100s of other AUs. Even some of the AUs have their own AUs, like Underswap and Underfell becoming Swapfell. This game has an insane reach and it makes sense because its just that good. Characters with small roles in the games are used in the games, comics, and so many other fan made things and its awesome.

Even the mysteries this game spawns is also so cool, like Gaster. I want to say so much more about this game, and I may come back to edit my review to do that, but this is what I can say without spoiling anything. Also I couldn't bring myself to do the genocide route cuz I loved the characters too much but I have seen gameplay of the route so im counting that as a completed route

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2022
