Severly dragged down by spotty combat encounter design that pitfalls into demented crap in Act 3, an uninteresting ovearching narrative in a setting that feels like a parody of itself, garbage menu-ing that makes even the simple act of changing party members a slog and a fuckload of bugs that mar all aspects of the game. Its completely nonexistent sense of pacing is both strength and weakness, making characters get all buddy-buddy in the span of barely a couple of hours of gameplay and having defining narrative moments happen with zero buildup but also making it so that a playthrough is full of weird and interesting encounters in every corner. Otherwise, the actual combat mechanics are mostly fine if a bit overwhelming to players unfamiliar with TTRPG rules, and the companions and their respective questlines are pretty charming though often thematically overlapped with each other. Passing marks since despite of it all it's the type of game that is more than the sum of its parts, but those parts are stuck together with expired duct tape and while plenty of people will adore those parts others will have them fall square on their face.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
