So dickridden by the fandom and overhyped. Ambience was mid, story was mid. characters were alright. I really don't understand what people see in this game besides an excuse to swoon over their favourite characters. Absolutely no quality of gameplay. Okay you run around and shoot zombies. Cool, as you do in hundreds of other video games, and that deserves 5 stars? Y'all are braindead with low expectations. I bet most of these 5 stars come from people who didn't even actually play the game to feel how many boring bits it had that makes people drop had it not been for prince charming Leon Kennedy to make you thirsty bitches keep playing.

One of the scariest if not the scariest triple A horror game I've played. Carries the rest of the RE games as far as horror which can't even get a flinch out of me with extremely predictable jump scares and below mid ambience. I truly felt scared playing this game which takes quite a bit for me. Older RE dick riders will clown you for preferring this game to their obscure old titles from the 1980s no one's ever heard about to get an ego trip for knowing something you don't. Regardless as good as it is I can't say its a phenomenal master piece. Amazing horror game? Absolutely. I wouldn't give it any more than that though

I love BG3 so much. The mechanics of the game are so well thought out and you can easily tell how much love was put into the game. The story is a little above mid but the cast takes the cake. Best one of the best DnD like experience games. Unfortunately the fandom is full of idiots and weirdos which completely ruined the experience for me. I've seen gross takes that just ruin the way I look at certain characters. I really don't care what anyone says, a fandom CAN ruin your experience with a game

Kinda shit. Not as good as Until Dawn. Dropped because its mediocracy bored me.

I love the mechanics of this game and how magic works. The transportation system is so smooth and the map is beautiful and the exploration is so fun. I think they made a mistake by making it rated T instead of M and adding more mature themes. The story is so shit. It feels like I'm playing a game for little children let alone teens. Giving it more depth and more maturity could have saved it

This game is incredibly nostalgic to me. I love the story and I love how you can play both sides and see how the story progresses when you side with one or the other. I love all the playable characters on each side as well as the armour and their weapons. It loses points because of how old it is so it obviously has clunky mechanics and bad graphics. If this game ever got remade it would be peak.

Resident Evil fans dick ride the fuck out of this game so much. It's good don't get me wrong but its not this phenomenal horror story game everyone says it is. Only good because of Ada Wong anyways

It's quite clunky and I have my issues with this game. The story kind of sucks and gameplay for heavy weapons is so impossible to play with. Fromsoftware games put standards way too high when it comes to the experience of wielding heavy weapons smoothly and sucessfully. The pawns are very refreshing though and I love how they work, talk and interact with you and your actions. It's something I haven't experienced in other games. The pawn mechanics are also very well made as well as combat with big bosses (being able to grab onto them is so fun and fresh). I wish it was given more attention to detail

The artistic direction of this game is beyond amazing. The story is beautiful and all the christian influences make it so compelling. I never thought I would be a fan of the pixelated 2D games but this one has changed my mind about them. Absolute peak and gorgeous.

Such a horrible sequel. It will never measure up to the story of the first one.

This game's concept has probably got to be one of my favourite fictional concepts ever. Human experimentation in a multiplayer game. How amazing. I love the whole vibe of the game. The maps are amazing and it's so fun to play with games. I wish they would release more maps quicker than just one once a year. As well as adding more main villains besides the cop and the puppet lady. It would keep the player base up and alive. If it was updated more often and constantly added new concepts and maps it would probably be my favourite online multiplayer game of all time

Best story game of all times. I was never that into cowboys or any of that but this games story and cast is incredible. The range of emotion this game has gotten out of me is probably more than I've experienced in a long time.


I have over 2k hours on this game. It's so shit. Community is ass. I love the idea of mythological gods being playable so that's awesome. Amazing range of characters, super cool collabs. Spent probably thousands of dollars on skins. Hoping Smite 2 fixes graphics and makes it feel less like a 2010s game


I loved this game so much at its peak. The fan base is full of weirdos unfortunately but the game play was amazing. No idea what happened in the story I always skipped but I loved the worlds and quests. Character creation was phenomenal. I loved the different classes you could pick for Tank, DPS, Ranged, Magical etc. Such a shame it fell off so hard