Oh man this game is a mess

The story and writing for these characters is just not great at all. Though in my opinion Navarre is a good character unlike the rest.
Now the gameplay is not exactly great. It can be broken and hard as fuck or it can get kind of boring sometimes.

Despite this game being an absolute dog ass, i'm gonna talk about some of the stuff in the game that are good.
The music in this game is just phenomenal, i mean it's the same composer from SMT IV so obviously there are gonna be some absolutely banging soundtracks and the other good thing i'm gonna talk about are the environments in the game.
This game's environments is just awesome and combined with the graphics that look absolutely gorgeous even for a 3DS game, it's nice to look at.

Now the dungeon layout i think is just okay.
The final dungeon for this game is not particularly hard in any way but it can get tedious because it's just so vast and your character doesn't really walk that fast.

Well that's all i have to say about this game i guess
Will i be playing it again?
No? Maybe? I don't fuckin know

Reviewed on Aug 16, 2021
