This game is pretty good.
Gonna start by talking about the graphics because damn this game looks pretty as hell and especially when it comes to the faces and though the facial animations can get a bit weird and some scenes in the game make the NPCs look like they aint finished rendering, its visually stunning and i love the look of this game.
The enemies in this game which are the machines and the way that they are design is really nice and i think they've done an amazing job when it comes to the giant machines as they feel empowering and its just great but one thing i have to say with these giant machines is that fighting them can get a bit janky because i think that when it comes to fighting gigantic enemies, the camera can be your enemy when you're in a compressed area or if the enemy is close to you.
Now this game's story is pretty fun and some scenes really got me hooked but i think the characters just lack something and i just don't think they're that memorable but overall it's good.

Gonna be talking about the thing that i really like about this game: The gameplay. It's fantastic and to be honest i don't even know what's going on in the stories and the mundane side quests because im just glued with the gameplay and one thing i love about the mechanics and features of this game is that how quickly the tide can turn and come up on top when you rip off an enemies weapon and use it against them and that i think is one of best parts of the game.
Another thing i forgot to mention is the human boss fights because they just feel too easy but hey i could just be overleveled but i digress.

Anyhooch thats all i have to say about this game

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2022


so true
game sucks

boring gameplay, cringe story, 🤮
typical agender
"form your own opinions but only when it benefits me"
2 against one 😈
i hate double standards! i hate double standards!