Portal but an ad for the 4090. It looks better but runs worse. Not gonna complain about replaying this game again tho

Ok get the bad out of the way: so the loot system is not the best and feels a bit unnecessary. The Boss fights of this game are poorly designed and on hard difficulty, one of them literally took me over 10 minutes of just punching the bosses health down, occasionally dodging. However, this is not a repeat of Square Enix's Avengers.

If you can look past that, you have a game that explores 4 interesting characters that haven't received much love outside of the comics (rip Batgirl movie). Court of Owls makes for an interesting story you want to see through. This game is much better if you have a coop buddy to go fight crimes in the open world with. Even on hard, we naturally did enough side stuff that I never felt the need to grind. To me, this game is just a fun open world experience.

This game didn't overstay it's welcome, which is a huge problems with these types of games now (Horizon and Assassin's Creed for me suffer from this). A big open world game you can play most of and finish a playthrough in 20-30 hours is great. I rolled credited as Robin and my friend as Batgirl and during the credits we were already contemplating running it back and playing as Redhood and Nightwing. Well worth the $50 I spent on GMG for a key.
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i know i know. some bugs and jank but this is the best open world game even a decade later and certainly my most played open world game.