Hot Wheels Unleashed is a relatively enjoyable racing experience. Being able to relive my childhood in the forms of tiny cars racing around in big environments is always a blast!
The gameplay is a bit hard to control and learn at first, but once you learn how to master it, the experience is great and it is very satisfying to boost through levels at an incredible speed!
I personally wish the game focused more on using the environment as a part of the races instead of just using basic track pieces all the time, but the end experience is still enjoyable.
One nitpick I would have with the game would be the soundtrack. It seems oddly generic and unfitting compared to previous entries. I grew up with Hot Wheels: Beat That! and that game had a great soundtrack with Rock and occasional Metal music in it. Moving from that to a generic Pop-esque soundtrack seemed bizarre.
(Especially upsetting considering Hot Wheels Unleashed used Metallica's Fuel for one of it's trailers, and then promptly forgot to include this type of music in the final game)

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
