It's a fine introduction to a franchise, however it did not stand the test of time. It mainly set the groundwork so its successors can sharpen its formula.

The most noteworthy thing to notice is obviously the story elements, it's a good story with humanly written characters. The game has stunning set pieces, taking you through a jungle for most of the runtime. It is a beautifully constructed environment. That being said I found myself getting lost quite often lacking any kind of direction or hints on where to go. At least there's a hint system for when you're stuck and don't know how to make progress.

Most noticeable flaw is definitely the game's clunkiness, the gameplay feels very stiff and the combat doesn't play too smoothly, same applies to the climbing. It's surprisingly slow for an Uncharted game and sticks out like a sore thumb. The best example I can give is definitely the jet ski, very odd considering it's supposed to be fast but it's not.

That being said, I don't consider this to be a bad game, in fact I respect it for starting it all, it just didn't age too well.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
