Great improvement over its predecessor, the story, the characters, the gameplay, it's better than the first game in almost every way.

The gameplay is noticeably better but it's not quite polished yet, there's still a level of clunkiness present. I found myself dying a lot from the controls and what not.

An issue that carries over from the first game is still here, that is the level design and progression. I got stuck numerous times during my playthrough, nothing too serious but there were times where I couldn't find the right way to go, and when I did it was right under my nose. Again, nothing too major considering there's a hint system but it takes away from the immersion a bit.

The set pieces are stunning, even for an old game like this one. Uncharted 2 takes you in a variety of different locations unlike the first game where you were mostly stuck in a jungle. This change of scenery also doesn't bring any pacing issues, it's rather smooth in its enviroment changes.

Action, there's action, a lot of it, something that was barely present in the first game. When I think Uncharted I think insane action and climbing, which this game has a lot of. It's an (almost) non stop thrill ride, it has slower parts for sure but it doesn't take away from it at all.

I don't have much to say about the story, it's a bit generic but still fun and the writing and voice acting make up for it.

Overall, this is what Uncharted should strive to be, serving as a strong point in not only the franchise but the genre as well. It's far from perfect, but it's a step in the right direction.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
