the absolute pinnacle of copyright infringement

I love the theme that everything is a reference not to something people know, but to the most random bullshit like an unlicensed remake of snoopy on the commodore 64, or the java happy tree friends game, or a ripoff of stick figures on crack.

the music is just as experimental as the theme of the game, heavily utilizing samples from absolutely everywhere. it honestly sounds great, there's not a single track i hate

the game itself? holy shit this has to be one of the best feeling not-marios i've ever played. the dive is such a beautifully done mechanic and gets so much mileage. the different power-ups you get are all useful to some degree, and the levels, while difficult, never really feel bullshit or completely insurmountable. please play this I am begging you

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
