i am under strict contractual obligation to play every game that features a deer as a major character in some way shape or form. unfortunately that includes this

look, i get it. it's a silly haha joke game and you're not supposed to take it seriously. i don't mind that part. what's there is fine enough and the ability to switch to a bipedal form and the ability to use your neck as a grappling hook all work just fine and is quite haha funny silly wacky goofy and whatever other synonym for humorous you can think of. what's there is fine, but the big problems are that there's not much to do to begin with, and the game kind of just... ends after a couple of hours, and that's if you go out of your way to do absolutely everything. your play time could be a lot shorter if you aren't trying to actively comb for every minute detail and silly wacky thing you can do. it all feels pretty half assed even for a joke game, which makes the asking price of 15 smackers atrocious for what you actually get in return.

it at least got one thing right, I get to play in traffic and shoot down cars. I can do that in the game too

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
