I can best describe this game as super meat boy for beginners. I played and beaten this game precisely once back in 2017 and I was unaware there was even a sequel until I wrote this review. presumably it's better, but I don't think I care enough to know.

izbot wants to be a challenging precision platformer, but it seemed to forget the whole "challenge" part. I could never shake off the feeling that most of the stages in this game were designed in an afternoon and not given any additional touches to add fun challenge to the game. not even the bandages hardtogetiums are placed in interesting spots, instead also just being plopped at easy to reach points. the only point where the game finally gets difficulty is during the very last stretch of the game, and for some reason the very start of the last world as well.

it's not like there's nothing good about this game, everything but the levels were all good enough, but unfortunately the levels were not good enough to bring it all home. there are plenty other precision platformers that are all engaging, there is no reason to ever touch this one.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2024
