It's a\really easy to put this one down as soon as you finish the story mode, which is probably the biggest insult I can imagine to a fighting game. The multiplayer is dead, but even if it wasn't why would I subject myself to online battles in a game that has nearly 0 skill expression, tech, and A LOT of cheese. That being said, I enjoyed the story because it's a ton of fanservice for serious JoJo fans. You get to see a lot of characters that will never interact with each other in the manga or anime do so here. 3/5 is REALLY stretching it considering I fucking love Jojo's, and it's not even that high of a rating, which is saying something. I don't recommend this game to anyone who has not finished Part 7 of JoJo both because you will get slapped with some serious spoilers, and because you probably will not think much of this game anyway if you haven't gotten into the manga due to liking the overall IP.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
