Basically Resident Evil 7 again, but with a different coat of paint. This comes with Pro's and cons.

I find the environment and enemy designs of this game to be far superior to 7, while on the flip side is is on average a lot less scary, and feels more like an action game with a horror theme, rather than a horror game, though at the same time, some of the scary moments are scarier than anything in 7.

Resi 8 very much feels to Resi 7, what Resi 2 was to Resi 1. A very similar game, but with a different setting and story. How you feel about that is going to be down to personal taste. Do you view it as an improvement and thus a better game? or a rehash that copies a lot of the prior game's beats?

Personally I am mixed. I do think that as a game, it might be better than 7, but a lot of that comes from the fact that it just took a lot of what 7 did, did it again, but like... 1% better. And while those improvements do make it fun, the fact that I have done it before takes away from that and levels it out.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2022
