An erotic VN about social games and what breaks them down, Ladykiller in a Bind does an excellent job of handling both kink and the absurdity of teenage drama. It demonstrates that it understands that while consent and proper emotional communication are critical, few live up to it in the heat of a moment, especially when tensions are high and experience is low. The dynamics involved are messy, chaotic, inconsiderate, and tense, and the game refuses to paint any character in a perfect light; nobody is reasonable, nobody is perfect, and everyone is ultimately, to some degree, caught up in a moment.

In my mind, this is queer representation at its finest; understanding exactly what makes queer relationships and group dynamics work and, more importantly, what makes them fail. It shows that, no matter your intentions, no matter your demographics, it is still possible to be a bad person while trying to be a good one, and it is always possible to fuck it up. For that alone, it is worth a playthrough.

That said, the ending is... as endearing as the backing story is, and as smart the framing device is for giving players the sense of not knowing what is going on without fully abandoning them, the final conclusion of the narrative arc is... it is presented nearly separate from the rest of the game, with a focus almost completely disconnected from what the main portion of the game was exploring.

Reviewed on Oct 13, 2022

1 Comment

7 months ago

if a game that originally contained a man raping the lesbian mc and her deciding she liked it and then was patched to have the same scene still in it but consensual this time is "queer representation at its finest" then i worry for the queer representation