Hoping the sequels improve from this. Really confusing story and structure, especially to someone playing this as their first traditional fighting game campaign. By the end I had an idea of who each of the characters were and what happened overall, which was what I was really looking for, but the level of confusion plus occasional difficulty spike for most Hakumen boss fights (until I worked out just grabbing him over and over worked pretty well) meant I was never really engaged. As for the gameplay, it seems like it'd be really fun if I took more time to learn it, but this is the first of 4 games though, and there are no tutorials or practice combos in it, so I decided to use what knowledge I have from other fighting games and just kind of amble my way through.

All in all game is pretty fun but story is super confusing. Short enough to buy for sale price and go through if you really want to know more about BlazBlue lore instead of just playing Centralfiction first. I wouldn't say it felt like a total waste of my time.

Reviewed on May 15, 2023
