2 reviews liked by StudioCorpse

Basically takes every enemy placement problem in SOTFS away

The internet lied to me, vanilla is far superior to SOTFS

Lackluster hoard shooter.
The gun play doesn’t feel good at all. Most of the weapons feel clunky and you just have to pray that your shots hits one of the random enemies that are flipping, flying, twirling, tumbling or teleporting out of the way.
Normally that wouldn’t be a problem but with how most of the guns work, unless you’re using a shotgun, you’re hitting nothing.
The amount of enemy spam is stupid. It would be fine if you had a way to deal with it but you don’t. Not even with rocket launchers or chi powers. Screw all those stupid snake people. And double screw those stupid ass ghost that come out of Shamans after they put of their shields. And triple screw that stupid ass electric ball attack that one of them does.
Boss are fine I guess.
Story isn’t good.
All the characters are extremely genetic or extremely annoying.
The protagonist; Lo Wang himself I don’t hate but I can see how someone can call him just a less cool Asian Duke Nukem with dumb crude humor. If you find that kind of humor funny then I guess you’d like him.
Some of the ost is kinda catchy.
First game was better.