The Rock Band series is one of my favorite video game series of all time. I have poured countless hours into all 4 games, purchased my fair share of dlc tracks, and even greatly attribute the original Rock Band for getting me into the real drums that I still play to this day.

With that said, I'd say Rock Band 4 is probably one of the weaker entries in the series. A downgrade from Rock Band 3 in a number of ways most notably the removal of keys as an instrument and the much smaller set list. While subjective, the 4th game's set list could be quantified as weaker based on the larger number of lesser known acts and b side tracks.

I have personally found the set list has grown on me, especially as someone who primarily plays the drums.

Other than that, the same formula of previous games is here and done well. You have your quick play mode, tour mode, and online play. One unique addition is Rivals. A dlc mode where join what are essentially teams or guilds and complete weekly challenges to try and have the top score.

I prefer the setlists in 2 and 3 but I still immensely enjoyed my time with Rock Band 4 and the fact they still put out weekly dlc to this day is really impressive. There are thousands of dlc songs to choose from if the base game setlist isn't quite to your liking.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
