3 reviews liked by StyleSwitcher_

This game frustrated me so much with the flying races and then the stupid RC car race that I finally learned if you hold the analog stick to one side you had a better chance of doing it. Other than that a fun lego game.
I loved all the Stan Lee voice work. The human torch looked cool when he flamed on and the characters that used lightning had a great animation for that.

This would be a 3-star rating on the grounds of being slightly more substantial, gameplay-wise, than your typical Lego game, but this toy ran into an issue with its save file that left it with 1 character that was impossible to unlock, and the only way to solve it would be to start a new save file and try to 100% the game again. And it's not doing that. So now every time it thinks about this game, it just feels bitter.

Didn't know I was competitive until I started the time trials against my friends