Game's pretty damn good actually. Better story than 5, less random unnecessary mechanics than 5... but there's a catch. See, the post-game is the catch this time. It's not too bad, except the first 10 million in stats (this is Disgaea, get used to it) are obtained by class mastery or through the new Hospital Gacha system. At first the system is fine, but once you get a unit to 9999 you can quite easily abuse it, and once you do that you can keep abusing it more and more. This would be great, but I'm just mashing some buttons, there's no real "grind" to that. And the other 10 million is through class mastery. That wouldn't be a problem if classes automatically switched once you mastered one... but they don't.

I'll keep it brief with the Item World this time: It is not at all necessary. I managed to OHKO the flagship superboss without a good piece of equipment. Unlike in 5, evilities have no stat increase cap in this game, which rewards figuring out the best ones to use, but you're best off using a guide for that which kind of trivializes it all. It's a shame too because they spent a lot of time reworking how items work, but I couldn't even tell you all of the changes. The Item World has 30 floors max now, rather than endless, and you gain item levels through doing certain things in any of these levels, this also means levels are (assumably) limited to each run you do, and with item reincarnation you can do some wacky stuff. Unfortunately only movement and jump matter all that much in an item and so this is all kind of a waste of time; Disgaea tends to have some of that though (extracts in 5 are way too tedious for the 10 million to matter that much when items actually ARE useful).

3.5/5 anyway because I actually thought the story was neat and I can respect the grind not taking that long. I hope 8 does what 4 did with 3 and improves on this game in every way, including cameos because I miss those, please give me Prier, Gig and Marona back.

EDIT: Sure, I'll give it a 4 why not. That'd make it an 8 and that's good enough.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023
