What a beautiful little game. Absolutely loved this.

Apparently Zortch is, for many people, the boomer shooter answer to Turok. Truth is, i never played Turok in my life, but i can definitely see the Unreal resemblance there. To me, Zortch is pretty much like Unreal but actually fun to play.
The fact that this game is made by a single person, who not only designed the game but also developed a custom engine of it’s own, is simply astonishing. For someone who’s into retro aesthetics, (from pixel art to low poly) this game just looks beautiful.

And when it comes to gameplay, is just pure fun. It’s not necessarily as frenetic as most of the boomer shooters. While, indeed, you’re able to play in a “rip and tear” style, you can also pick a more cover-shooter style. This freedom in how to approach almost every combat is one of the key aspects of this game.

Level design is retro as hell. Far from being linear, most of the times you’re given enough freedom to explore the map in different ways. Also, the variety of enemies is absolutely impressive. If i’m not mistaken, there are more than 30 enemy classes.

Considering how short this game is, i’m guessing there will be more Zortch content in the near future. I would only fix two things given that chance: First, the shotgun needs to be more powerful (it’s not bad, but is not as pleasant as it should be for today boomer shooter standards). And second, even if the ambient music is not bad at all, i feel like this game would be inmensely benefited with some form of upbeat EDM, in the style of Ion Fury or even Unreal.

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
