In my review of Kathy Rain i was critical on it's usage of stereotyped characters, while also noting how, in other cases, a story may actually be benefited by stereotypes. This is the case of The Blackwell Legacy.

The first instalment of the Blackwell series is, naturally, focused on presenting it's premise and it's main characters. And even if they're pretty much stereotypes that we've seen many times, i think they are portrayed in a very tasteful manner. Writing is pretty simple but very well handled, it doesn't get pretentious, and instead, it goes right to the point.

Puzzles are actually pretty easy, despite some problems with the game mechanics and the combination of Rosa's notes. Anyway, this could probably be avoided by simply watching the game's tutorial. I'm pretty sure this game can be solved without the need of a walkthrough.

Pixel art is beautiful here (i have a weakness for pixel art in general). Music was probably one of the weakest points of the game.

Anyway, a solid start for the Blackwell saga, and what's best, is that the game is also pretty short, which is something i tend to appreciate a lot. Go check it out.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2022
