I really loved the overall concept and the atmosphere. The game should also be noted for it’s way of creating suspense and, therefore, engagement with the player.

However, the story ended up being a bit of a let down, frankly. Even if i was already aware that this wasn’t supposed to be a horror story, the small bits of spiritism, ouija and such, left me waiting for something a lot bigger than a simple teenage love story. It could be argued, anyway, that this isn’t just a teenage love story, but also a story about growing up, about a decaying family, about how things were in a different time, and so on. Still, the implication of something out of the ordinary left me expecting for a build up or climax that never happened.

I would be lying if i said i didn’t had a great time playing it, anyway, and the whole criticism about the story (which i somehow agree) could probably be dismissed by making a point about this game being another case of “style over substance”.

Also, i think the depiction of the 90’s is just masterfully done. It’s not just about representing that grungy aesthetic that has trascended over time as the book cover for the 90s, it’s also about showing how adults were at that time, how the consumerism from the american suburbs was at the time. Adding those bits of nostalgia in this misterious ambience was a great decision. In that sense, this game acts almost like an etnographist from the future. I would even say that this is what stuck the most in my mind about this game.

Overall, it was a nice experience. And considering how short it is (3-4 hours), there are no excuses for not playing it.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
