I've read an opinion somewhere, stating that this game was slightly superior to the first Monkey Island because this one didn't have any tedious moment (i'm guessing that moment might have been the 3rd chapter of the first game, at least the first half of it), and was overall more regular.

I strongly disagree on that: The third chapter of Monkey Island 2 pretty much replicates the mood of the third chapter of the first game. And the worst thing is that the ending was, to say the least, polemic.

Other important flaw in this game was the music, which is just way under the level of Monkey Island 1, widely recognized as one of the most iconic scores ever.

But hey, Monkey Island 2 is still brilliant, an absolute classic, a stapple for the genre, and one of the best graphic adventures i ever played. I was just citing the reasons why i didn't give this game 5 stars, just like i did with The Secret of Monkey Island.

This game is probably funnier than it's predecesor. And the puzzles for the first two parts are just great, even if they can be everyhthing people hate about moon logic. I also loved the art style: the design of Scabb island looks heavily inspired by artists like Van Gogh and maybe some other post-impressionist.