Best video game ever. All the updates and additions to the gameplay bring it to its utter peak as it addresses all of the miniscule issues with the first game (too much enemy forced evasions, no party member swap in-battle) and adds a ton of new systems (SP regen post-battle, Assist System, multi-target finishers, player Forced Evasions, etc.) while still keeping it fairly challenging. More playable characters, more areas, more bosses, a dozen assist characters, and just kino all around that makes people who enjoyed the first game unable to catch their breath with how much epic the game throws at them one after the other. Absolute Kinology/10.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2020


3 years ago

Based. I don't know what's more surprising, a review of this game on this site or the fact that it is a positive one. OG needs more love, man. Good shit. Also one of my personal favourites.

10 months ago

Haven’t played any SRW games yet but I own a physical of X, not sure where to start but I’ll definitely be playing this one eventually.

10 months ago

@Zoda Anything that's translated and looks cool should be fine. V/X/T are all good for starters, J and Alpha Gaiden as well. OGs(PS2)/OG1-2 (GBA) are also good if you wanna not worry about existing robot IPs and just play something all original. The Endless Frontier series is completely diff JRPG spinoff though so you can jump straight to it if you want :)

10 months ago

Thanks bro, I gotta research a lil more mecha then imma start diving balls deep