I didn't expect too much from what's essentially a Gen2-3 MonHun clone but what's there is honestly really interesting stuff. Less weapon choices and overall complexity to their controls but they make up for it with all the really fun and interesting micromanagement during combat and broad loadout customizability players are given through Gun types with the extremely convoluted but cool Bullet crafting system, different types of Shields, Skill Install, and Predator Styles which is definitely the best addition to Resurrection among others. It definitely took a while and a really good youtube guide for me to get a proper feel for things and get into the main groove of the game but before I knew it, I was pretty much stuck on the really fast and entertaining gameplay loop.

The story is quite simple, humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction for a while now because of constantly evolving monsters called Aragami and God Eaters exist primarily to hunt them, but what's interesting is seeing how the main cast lives in the said world. Like how Soma finds it hard to forge camaraderie when he's had dozens of old teammates die in the field, or Alisa dealing with her PTSD, and Kota having a family who he set out on this path to secure a good life for. The first and main arc is nothing deep or new, but it definitely does a good job of setting up the world and making it a believable one and ends on a really good note on top of all the character developments for the main cast. What really made me like GE1 a lot is the section that follows right after, the Burst arc. It introduces a really great character and has the best story in the game despite being a really short section. It mainly focuses on this one character that felt like he got left out of the game in the first part and does some super good stuff with him and then ends with the best boss fight in the game. Sadly the final arc, Resurrection, drops the ball so hard that I just wanna pretend it doesn't exist or risk liking the game less. It's about as short as Burst but the mission lineup is about 90% multi-hunt quests which are a huge pain to deal with and the story felt really unnecessary but neither good nor bad. At the very least, the action cutscenes really peak in this section and the final boss is pretty fun but I really would not recommend playing this section personally.

Monsters are quite varied for me. Some of the earlier ones are alright (Kongou, Gboro-Gboro) except for Chi-You which is definitely my most hated type out of all. Most of the bigger and harder ones though get pretty fun once you finally get the rhythm of how to fight them properly and my favorite types would probably be Vajras, Borg Camlanns, and Quadrigas (literally gigantic biological tanks). The deusphages are alright, kind of the equivalent of Elder Dragons where they're bigger and crazier monsters but a lot of them definitely have sick designs, Venus fight really owned me but it's definitely my favorite and you can definitely see the improvement with the monsters as you go which I really appreciate.

Overall, if you wanna check out some MonHun clones or maybe just more of SHIFTs games in general then it's definitely worth giving a shot. It's jank but it has a lot more going for it than just the combat (which I still enjoyed anyway) to still make it an experience that I thoroughly enjoyed going through. Though again, I would honestly recommend dropping it after Burst arc unless you wanna see some super cool action cutscenes in Resurrection.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2022


1 year ago

play fortnite instead

1 year ago

check your walls instead