4 reviews liked by Sulsa07G

Kid Dracula is a spin-off of the Castlevania series, starring a chibi version of the Prince of Darkness himself.
It's clear why, initially, this didn't get a worldwide release. Not only because it has a very chibi art-style, something that the USA of old probably wouldn't accept, but it also contains some stuff related to Japanese culture.

In terms of gameplay, this one feels more like a Mega Man game than a Castlevania one, as Kid Dracula's main attack is a projectible very similar to that of the Blue Bomber's. After you beat a stage, you get a new ability to choose from, whether that'd be a homing projectible or an ice attack.

I did feel like the level design only really asked for some of these abilities to be used in some ocassions. There are some interesting set-pieces in the levels themselves, though, and I really liked the variety of environments Kid Dracula goes through.

It wasn't all perfect though, since I did some frustrating times with some of the bosses and some parts of the levels. Stage 6's boss can go suck it, because he constantly summons bubbles at you, but you have little room to avoid them, so you'll most likely get knocked back from them and die.

What doesn't help is that you're sent all the way back towards the middle of the level, and that really grinded my gears. I did use plenty of save-states for this one, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Gotta be honest, even with the game's cute aesthetic, I didn't really find this game to be all that interesting. If it wasn't frustrating, then it was just leaving me indifferent.
Again, there were things about this game that I liked, like the overall presentation and some parts of the soundtrack, but it really doesn't feel like anything special.

Overall, Kid Dracula is a fine 2D platformer that sometimes left me frustrated, but other times left me with the feeling that I just wanted this to be done, so I could finish all of the games of the Castlevania Anniversary Collection.

I just wanted all of them to be happy ;-; This game me cry so much, my poor babies didnt deserve any of this.

Just a really good xenoblade good amount of substantial content, great characters, good story, and god tier music. Can't wait for the next one 🙏🙏🙏