Why they decided to make a game for Gravity Falls, a series held in large part for how sharp the delivery of its writing is, and then kneecap it by having absolutely no voice acting baffles the mind. The 3DS COULD handle voice acting, as seen with Kid Icarus Uprising and the various Fire Emblem/Layton games on it. Even the main theme present in the game sounds very clean. Whatever writing tying this together is made far drier when you only have text boxes.

Also you fight the same boss four times and despite literally every other character looking palette accurate they made Wendy look permanently sunburned and it bugged me all game.

At least the UbiArt engine does bring the world to video game life in a way few other styles could and the secret codes are about. Stands out for the novelty as a 3 hour romp but for very little else.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
