As a normal game, I'd probably give this a 8 or 7. When judging this as a mystery dungeon game, it gets a solid 9. This game wasn't favored when it came out due to it basically being a Pokemon Platinum for Time and Darkness so it was judged based on how much new content it added. Whilst I'd say the new content added is amazing, I can understand the criticism of charging full price for what can feel like a game expansion (Monster Hunter and Persona 5 Royal got some kind of criticism for this in some ways too). At the time of release, this game might not have been worth it for the people who have already played the original two Explorers games.

Fortunately, we're now in a time where I can 100% recommend this game to A) anyone who has played Time or Darkness but hasn't played it in ages, this game is your excuse to play it again but with cool new content (including special episodes which expands on more of the side characters), and B) people who are wanting to get into the series.
Upon playing this recently and No More Heroes 3, I have learnt that some of the games I like are an acquired taste and I honestly think that applies for a lot of games. Am I saying the best games have some aspects to enjoy for everyone? Maybe. Maybe I am also saying the best games are good because they do what they do best.

I am getting too philosophical here so for the game itself, it remains to this day the definitive Mystery Dungeon experience:
- Despite containing plot about time travel, the story is never confusing and surprisingly lacks any plot holes. The only time I questioned stuff was how the exact time travel rules worked but that is just me being over analytical. I appreciate how they managed to make that sweet, simple, wholesome Mystery Dungeon story despite time travel topics usually being very all over the place.
- Bare in mind when I say this story is outstanding, I mostly mean for Pokemon standards. On it's own, it is still a very gripping story in my opinion.
- I love stories like CrossCode that involve all the characters as they gradually build up to the final climax. It actually makes me feel like I am going on a grand adventure rather than a bumpkin weekend trip. While certainly not as impacting as a kid or on first play through, Explorers of Sky's story manages to give you the feeling you are going on a journey with mysteries, character revelations, thwarting bad guys, all that jazz. To put it short, it never once feels underwhelming which is a problem a lot of other games have I feel; I hate it when things are built up only for it to feel anticlimactic (looking at you Crossing Souls).
- The emotional aspect drives hard with the help from the soundtrack in my opinion. The story is good as it is but without the music it wouldn't be the same. The music in this game is an actual banger. From emotional, to dancing and then to feeling epic, this soundtrack has got you covered.
- The gameplay makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes (fuck monster house rooms where the stairs are at) but the reason I enjoy the gameplay in this series is because of the risk factor involved, even if there is a slight chance it is unfair. I can't really describe why I like the gameplay but I think it's best to look at it and judge for yourself to see if it's up your alley.
- There is so much to do after you have completed the main story it's insane. Not only is the post game basically a story continuation but it also opens up new locations to explore, Legendary Pokemon to recruit, etc. It's sad that the friend areas from the original don't make a return here but I don't mind it that much (sniff).
- This game ditches the billions of 99 floor dungeons that Blue/Red Rescue Team liked to shove down our throats and I couldn't be more glad. I like dungeons that are sweetly short and not a long drag.
- Some of the characters in this are massive memes.
- Fun Fact: this game's story is better than most Pokemon game stories, possibly close to Black and White.

To sum it all up, this is a must play for any Mystery Dungeon fan in general. Ever wanted an actual good Pokemon story? Well if the gameplay puts you off you can always watch it on YouTube, though I will confess it doesn't have the same impact because you are seeing someone else's chosen and partner Pokemon instead of your own. With that said, I especially encourage anyone a fan of Pokemon (especially stories) to check this out if they haven't already.

As a closing remark, how much I've talked about it should show how much I adore this game.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2021
