Not as enticing as Black Ops 1 and 2's campaign but I love this campaign for a different reason since this one is based more on reality than fiction. There are of course some fictional elements but I really felt like I was a soldier fighting in World War 2. Unlike Call of Duty WW2's campaign which felt like a safe cliche Michael Bay movie, World at War actually has the guts to stay true to history while still feeling epic.

Nowadays the multiplayer is unplayable due to some glitches and everywhere being filled with hackers but for the times I did get a normal match, I had a blast because the map design here is outstanding. Each map and weapon feel very distinct from each other.

While Black Ops improved zombies massively (and Black Ops 2 to an extent), World at War's zombies is where it all began and it was an amazing introduction to the side mode we all know and love. World at War and Black Ops' zombies understands what it is perfectly: a simple arcade mode where you go in and see how long you last instead of the complex crap nowadays.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2021
