About 85% of this game is pretty much pure perfection. For a game that takes place in a small mansion, the fact the main campaign is as long as it is is a miracle. Every section of this game in this 85% had me hooked. Items are placed fairly and justly to not make it too difficult but not too easy either. Every section is varied in it's own way.

That last 15% though... Ouch. I mean it isn't terrible but it is incredibly slow and drags the game to a speeding halt. If the last part was on parr with the rest of the game then I can give it the 10/10 it truly deserves.

Ideally if the last act of the game is just okay in comparison to the rest then this game should be like a 7 or an 8 right? Well I can't stress enough how good that first 85% truly is except by giving this a 9/10.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2022
