This is the best mobile game out there right now. The story is fantastic and is told well. The combat is interesting and makes you think. Guilds are rewarded well. It has a unique aesthetic. It runs well. The PVP is rewarded well. There is always something to do.
It is incredibly F2P-friendly.
My only complaint is the new gacha system for obtaining the latest super-epic Cookie is horrible.

EDIT: They removed the new gacha system mentioned above, thank <insert_deity_of_choice_here>.
I forgot to mention 2 other complaints I have with this game, though:
1. The Tree of Wishes. It is just simply not worth the pain. All the rewards need to be buffed the heck up. Even the boosted times feel unrewarding.
2. The Train. Same complaint as the Tree, honestly. Needs better rewards.

Reviewed on May 08, 2023
