I don't want to compare it to the Sonic & Sega games, because I actually like this game and what it tries to do.......But I mean, yeah, this is just a downgrade from those.

I like the whole team mechanic, it does make races at least a bit more interesting, and the game still feels like a spiritual successor to the Sonic & Sega games since it plays almost the same as those. The music is good, the tracks are ok and I like the banter between the characters I guess?

The problem isn't just that the other Sega reps are gone, but everything else that the other two games had constructed is also gone. There is no announcer as far as I remember, the items and all stars were replaced by the dumb ass wisps again, the tracks are nowhere near as interesting or dynamic, and the whole vehicle transformation gimmick is completely gone.

Whenever you are not playing the team races, it just feels like a generic Mario Kart ripoff with Sonic characters, just with a little bit more polish and budget. It is such a shame, because Transformed is more than 10 years old at this point, and having a new entry in that series with the look and polish of this game would've been so cool....

Anyway, I was gonna give it 3 stars and a half, but I'll give it three because Zavok is in the fucking game again. Motherfuckers really replaced Team Fortress 2 and Wreck it Ralph with fucking Zavok.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
