I went in with low expectations and that was a good thing because it somewhat exceeded them. It's about everything I thought it would be, from the pointless trinkets to the shallow combat. The naval combat in particular is spectacular initially, but it wanes when you realize it's just spam cannons and mortars. It is a good thing then that the world is wonderfully realized, it just feels good to inhabit. Drunkards wander the streets, people talking among each other, workers going on about their day. It feels surly and dirty with rats littering the streets and seedy filth lines the facades. It's then a shame that the story is just kind of fine.
It had been built up as being the pinnacle of the franchise in terms of its story, and I'm sure it is, but it's really just a series of plot contrivances to get Edward into a world he doesn't belong. The assassins and templar stuff is awful, it's boring and it's basic, all this needed was a man dealing with the fallout of his society, but instead it is endless ex-positing and talking. People never shut up, even in the end when you should just be sailing off quietly with your daughter, they talk about nothing, soiling the moment.
I get idea of freedom vs order relating well with assasins:templars and pirates:government, but the execution is bloated and painfully long. There are about a hundred characters whose names you'll forget instantly, and blackbeard, whose whole purpose is just to populate the world. It's hardly a mess, but it does feel like too many cooks in the kitchen, the animus notes is a good indication of that. It was a nice place to inhabit for a while, but not one I think I'll be returning to.

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2020
