After playing a truly terrible 2D Sonic game (Advance 3), I came back to this game hoping I could appreciate it more. Sure enough, I can. I used to hate it but I finally see the light.
Starting with the positives, the presentation is excellent all around. The soundtrack slaps top to bottom and the art style is very well done. At first I thought that this cutesy look isn't right for Sonic, but it eventually ended up growing on me. I was right. It isn't right for Sonic as I know him; but this isn't Sonic as I know him, it's Fallen Star.
The special stages are very challenging even after the patch if you ask me, but I warmed up to them significantly. After overcoming my skill issue I realized that the fact that they're littered with hoops and springs that can fling you into the pit at the right speed is in fact the whole point. Being able to judge at a moment's notice what special stage gimmicks you should and shouldn't interact with is a skill that you can develop through practice; and eventually I did.
The theming is fantastic. Taking CD's penchant for alliteration and using it to blend many aesthetics and ideas into downright surreal combinations that give Sonic CD a run for its money. I mean come on, carnival crater??? What is this, Rollercoaster Tycoon? It's awesome.
Unfortunately I still have major misgivings with the game. For starters, the level design is all over the place. It has a well earned reputation for being extremely easy and borderline automated, and yep, it sure is. In terms of player input this isn't far off from being a 2D Forces; at least until the last 1/3 of the game where some more platforming oriented gimmicks are introduced (and in thunder turbine's case, super mario maker hot garbo levels of enemy spam. yeah that zone stinks).
The bosses are pretty terrible. idk why sonic fangames consistently have issues with this but they range from cryptic to boring to braindead to what the actual fuck. These bosses really just fall literally everywhere on the spectrum of bad bosses. And the funniest thing is that the boss of the first zone is one of the hardest so lol get fucked
Lastly I have to criticize the cutscenes because my god they are so boring. Nothing happens in them. There are some neat interactions between sonic and tails every so often but they are dragged out so long and communicate a paper thin story. Just skip them.
Overall this is an okay game imo, it isn't on par with greats like time twisted and triple trouble 16-bit but if you played those and need more then go ahead

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
